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"Prior Leasing" has started selling agricultural machinery on favorable terms

"Prior Leasing" has started selling agricultural machinery on favorable terms

Prior Leasing, which leases and sells agricultural machinery and livestock animals, has provided mobile businesses in Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz, Jalilabad, Masalli and Lankaran districts.

During two weeks, the company's representatives in 60 villages met with more than 550 farmers and visited more than 25 farms.

The company director, Azer Humbatov mentioned that during fairs held by Agrarian Credit and Development Agency, we have discovered that the farmers in the remote areas need to know more about us. Therefore, we have decided to provide mobile businesses and introduce our company and favorable leasing terms to farmers.

During mobile businesses, the company representatives informed farmers about agricultural machinery, their suppliers, they distributed brochures to them, and displayed videos regarding the agriculture equipment.

In order to ease the process, the company's representatives accepted the applications, analyzed customers, and received orders on the spot. Thus, more than 80 orders were received.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 19, 2018, "On improving state support for agriculture and leasing in the agricultural sector", all suppliers of agricultural machinery provide their products to farmers with 40% subsidy and interest-free loans for up to five years. Previously, only the state-owned Aqrolizinq OJSC had this authority.

Prior Leasing OJSC sells machinery to farmers on favorable terms as an authorized credit organization with the funds of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency.

Evaluating our first experience, Prior Leasing has decided to operate a mobile office on a permanent basis. "If we used to lease equipment to farmers without leaving their districts, now they will be able to do so without leaving their homes," Azer Humbatov said.

It is worth to mention that Prior Leasing OJSC was established in 2014 by individuals who are citizens of Azerbaijan. Prior Leasing, which currently leases agricultural machinery, irrigation systems, refrigerated warehouse, processing equipment, livestock animals, construction equipment and cars offers favorable leasing terms to individual customers and entrepreneurs.


Baxış: 4634



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