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Prior Leasing OJSC has started to operate mobile sales in the regions of Azerbaijan.

Prior Leasing OJSC has started to operate mobile sales in the regions of Azerbaijan.

Labor, technology, stable financial growth and reliable suppliers are the main components of success in business. Covid-19 and various steps to prevent it had a negative impact on at    least three of these components. Closing borders and restricting movement within the country makes the production of goods and services virtually impossible and leads to widespread business disruptions.

In some sectors lagged demand may be formed again but this might not be true for agriculture because of its seasonality feature. Additionally, food security is essential in any country and Azerbaijani government took various steps to ensure the national food security. Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on issues of stimulating the financing of the agricultural sector No 985 dated 8 April 2020 and government assistance for agricultural leasing activities No 413 dated 19 December 2018 might be an example of government assistance programs for agricultural sector.

In order to provide easy access to agriculture machinery Prior Leasing OJSC has started to operate mobile sales in the regions of Azerbaijan on April 20. With the new initiative taken by the company, farmers can get the equipment they want in 30-40 minutes without leaving their area. Within this initiative farmers can acquire machinery according to their needs in a short period of time and without going to Baku.

Farmers were informed about the mobile sale through the State Agrarian Development Centers under the Ministry of Agriculture and local municipalities. In Sabirabad region, where the mobile sales were first launched, farmers showed great interest in mobile sales and inspected the equipment on site. Muradov Aflatun, the owner of the farm from Saatli region, took advantage of this service created by Prior Leasing and obtained a Lisichki Z178 mower in 40 minutes during the mobile sale.

During the mobile sale all precautions against Covid-19 had been taken, including using medical masks and keeping social distancing.

Prior Leasing provides agricultural machinery through the Agrarian Credit Development Agency with a down payment of 20% and a 40% subsidy on interest-free leasing for up to 5 years to entrepreneurs and farmers.

Prior Leasing OJSC, in cooperation with the State Agrarian Development Centers, support farmers by providing advanced tech tools and maintaining financial stability.

It is worth to mention that Prior Leasing OJSC was established in 2014 by individuals who are citizens of Azerbaijan. Prior Leasing, which currently leases agricultural machinery, irrigation systems, refrigerated warehouse, processing equipment, cattle and flock, construction equipment and cars offers favorable leasing terms to individual customers and entrepreneurs.


Baxış: 4895



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