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The benefits of French cheese to Azerbaijani farmers - increased employment and additional income

The benefits of French cheese to Azerbaijani farmers - increased employment and additional income

Despite restrictions in various economic sectors due to new coronavirus pandemic agriculture sector continues to grow successfully. One of the strategic goals of the government is the development of the production of pedigree cattle and sheep within the country. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan pays special attention to this area, allocates soft loans and subsidies. Despite the implementation of a special quarantine regime, on April 4, 2020, by order of Prior Leasing OJSC, Azfert LLC imported Lacaune sheep from the Republic of Hungary for the first time.

The breed was named after the province of Monts de Lacaune, in the department of Tarn in southeastern France. The milk yield is more than 400 liters per annum, which is rich in protein, fat and amino acid. Due to its components, as well as its rich taste and aroma, lacaune milk is widely used in cheese production. In France, it is used to make the famous Roquefort - a blue, semi-hard cheese, and in Spain, Mancho - a pasteurized hard cheese.

The sheep farming in the country is usually associated with meat and wool production rather than dairy production. However, due to climatic and landscape characteristics, there are countries where dairy sheep industry has become a traditional brand, has a higher share of national GDP and is considered a valuable export product. Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, France, Spain, Italy, Greece and  The Mediterranean, Adriatic and Balkan countries are traditionally engaged in sheep dairy farming. Countries such as Israel, Iran and Iraq also have ancient sheep milking histories.

In countries such as Greece, Spain, France and Portugal, dairy sheep account for at least 15% of total milk production, and in some 30%. Even in the mountainous areas of some countries, this is the only decent business possible. By the way, the fact that most traditional sheep milk producers rarely leave the mountainous areas where they live, creates many difficulties for manufacturers in obtaining raw milk. Therefore, in most cases, farmers process the milk themselves to make it the final product. This increases employment in mountainous areas and provides farmers with additional income from processed products. Not surprisingly, the share of consumption of sheep cheese in Spain is 50% higher than that of cattle.

Prior Leasing provides agricultural machinery through the Agrarian Credit Development Agency with a down payment of 20% and a 40% subsidy on interest-free leasing for up to 5 years to entrepreneurs and farmers.

It is worth to mention that Prior Leasing OJSC was established in 2014 by individuals who are citizens of Azerbaijan. Prior Leasing, which currently leases agricultural machinery, irrigation systems, refrigerated warehouse, processing equipment, cattle and flock, construction equipment and cars offers favorable leasing terms to individual customers and entrepreneurs.

Baxış: 5063



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