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Tomato planting

Tomato planting

Tomatoes belong to the group of heat-demanding plants, the seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. When the temperature is 20-30 degrees, the seeds germinate in 5-7 days. The temperature should be 23-27 degrees for normal growth and development of the plant. When the temperature drops to 15 degrees, flowering stops and growth stops at 10 degrees.

According to the recommendations of many agronomists, seedlings are grown at different times to get a crop. In the lowlands of Azerbaijan, seedlings can be planted in early spring (April 15-20) and summer (June 10-15), and in mountainous areas in late April-early May.

Seedlings are planted one by one on the slope slightly above the bottom of the furrow. Quality and standard tomato seedlings should be dense, dark green with elastic stems, large leaves and very rooted. The number of leaves in the seedling should be 5-8, the length of the stem should be 15-20 centimeters, the density should be 5-10 millimeters and the buds should be on it. The average distance between plants in the row is 30-35 cm. Proper watering regime should be followed throughout the growing season of tomatoes. If watering is carried out in a timely manner from the time the seedlings are buried until the fruits ripen, the plants will grow well. During the period of mass ripening of fruits, the plants respond well to regular watering, despite the decrease or increase in soil moisture. Proper irrigation results in higher yields, fewer flowers, and larger fruits. In July and August, watering should be carried out in cool weather. If the plant is dehydrated and then heavily watered, the fruits will crack at this time.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are usually applied to tomato plants twice as additional fertilizer - when small fruits are formed and before harvest. In addition, the use of complex fertilizers for complex feeding of plants is recommended. 40 kilograms of complex fertilizers (nitrogen-16 percent, phosphorus-16 percent, and potassium-16 percent) can be used for every 0.1 hectare area. It is recommended to use organic fertilizers and manure juice during supplementary feeding. When manure juice is given, the yield increases and its quality increases. The product obtained from the use of manure juice has no additional effect on human health. It is advisable to give manure juice 1-2 times.

The expert believes that backfilling is one of the most important tasks. During the growing season, the soil of rows and inter-plants should be softened at least 2-3 times and the bottom of the plants should be filled. The importance of bottom filling is that the plant develops an additional root system, nutrition is enhanced, and the plant's dormancy is reduced. Plant nutrition is associated with soil softening. Weed control should be carried out twice a day. There is an increase in diseases and pests as a result of weed infestation. Weed control means preventive control of diseases and pests. In addition, weeds adversely affect the development of the plant and slow down its development, shortening its life.

 When the plants are cared for normally and depending on the nature of the variety, the crop begins to ripen 120-130 days after germination. When harvesting, the fruits should be plucked carefully so as not to damage the flower clusters and the plant from the trellis. Fruits can be harvested with or without stalks.


Baxış: 6436



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