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"Prior Leasing" presented modern horticulture equipment to farmers

"Prior Leasing" presented modern horticulture equipment to farmers

The utilization of advanced equipment facilitates farm labor, increases productivity, and allows to produce products that meet modern standards. The government allowance on the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment allows farmers to establish modernized farms, said co-founder Azer Humbatov at the II International Hazelnut, Walnut, and Chestnut Festival in Zagatala.

Modern technologies eliminate the labor-intensive characteristics of the agricultural sector. Thanks to this technologies gardening are not much different than a well-equipped production site. Our goal is to introduce these machinery and equipment to farmers and to be an intermediary between government and farmer, said a company representative.

Besides demonstrating horticultural equipment at the festival, the company also created opportunities for farmers to purchase equipment on favorable terms.

The festival was organized by the Zagatala District Executive Power with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Culture, Agrarian Supply and Provision OJSC under the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Azerbaijan Hazelnut Producers and Exporters Association and it lasted from September 28 to 30.

It is worth to mention that Prior Leasing OJSC was established in 2014 by individuals who are citizens of Azerbaijan. Prior Leasing, which currently leases agricultural machinery, irrigation systems, refrigerated warehouse, processing equipment, cattle and flock, construction equipment and cars offers favorable leasing terms to individual customers and entrepreneurs.

Baxış: 4586



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